BETANCOURT INGENIEROS, S.L.P. is a company dedicated to the drafting of projects and work addresses.
The management of the company, aware of the need to improve the service to its customers as well as to integrate the protection of the environment, has determined the need to implement an Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System, as a tool to achieve the development of a dynamic of continuous improvement within the company that will be reflected in the achievement of the following general objectives, during the development of our activities:
• Compliance with the requirements, contractual requirements, wishes and expectations of our customers and other requirements that interested parties require.
• Compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to our activity.
• Continuous improvement in the performance of our work, thanks to the availability of a qualified and experienced human team, and a modern and constantly updated technology.
• The prevention of pollution and the minimization of the environmental impact of our activities, or induced by them, thanks to the rationalization of the consumption of natural resources and the selective collection of waste generated, considering recycling and valuation as a first option, and as long as it is economically viable. Thanks to the application of the "5R" principle: it reflects, reduces, reuses, repairs and recycles.
• The use of the best and cleanest technologies available, of viable economic application.
All the personnel of the company must make their objectives in the development of the works, being fundamental the participation of all the personnel in the attainment of the objectives of quality and environment, which are part of the general objectives of the company.
On the other hand, the commitment of the management is materialized in the definition of an organizational structure coherent with these objectives, the continuous allocation of resources and the approach to the client as necessary premises for the achievement of the objectives.
This Policy is the basis of our Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System, and will be developed in Management Programs that will contain quality and environmental objectives, which will be the engines of our continuous improvement.
All personnel is responsible for monitoring and compliance with those procedures and instructions that affect them. We must assume a preventive and continuous improvement awareness, preventing possible errors, proposing solutions, communicating effectively, identifying ourselves with the company's objectives and following scrupulous the requirements that derive from our System.
We must all understand the implications derived from this Quality and Environment Policy in our daily work, both in the actions linked to the processes of providing services and in internal management operations.
This Quality and Environment policy is made public, both for the company's personnel, who must understand it and assume it and for any interested external agent, who may consult it as established in our Integrated Management System.