Signed the act of redefinition of the work for the construction of the purifier and collectors of residual waters of Albuñol


The Junta de Andalucía will allocate more than 9 million euros in 2017 for the construction of sewage treatment plants. The actions to be undertaken will be located in different regions of the province, including the Metropolitan Area, specifically in the Los Vados area, on the Granada coast, in the municipality of Molvízar; in Zújar, municipality belonging to the Baza district; Huétor - Tájar and Montefrío of the Poniente region.

For the delegate of the Government, "the purification of wastewater is a number one objective for the Junta de Andalucía" and assured that "we have a budget, besides having the armored canon that goes directly to the water cycle and the creation of treatment plants " He took the opportunity to call on the municipalities to collaborate in streamlining the projects ".

These statements were made in the course of the signing of the act of redefinition of the construction work of the wastewater treatment plant and collectors of the municipality of Albuñol, an act in which he pointed to the Costa de Granada as "the best of all the Andalusian coast in Regarding wastewater treatment, "recalling that large population centers purify their water, and that only two projects are missing.

The signing of the act was made by a representative of the UTE and Amaya, the public company that has the task of the work on behalf of the Ministry of Environment and Planning. The event was attended by the delegate of Environment and Territorial Planning, Inmaculada Oria, the mayor of Albuñol, María José Sánchez, and the president of the Commonwealth of Municipalities of the Costa Tropical, Sergio García.

From this rubric the countdown is activated for the start of the works, which will have to start within a maximum period of 30 days. Inmaculada Oria highlighted the complexity of these infrastructures; in many occasions they get stuck in the subject of the lands, and here we have to thank the Commonwealth of Municipalities of the Coast that has greatly facilitated this task ".

For its part, the president of the Commonwealth, Sergio Garcia, said they will continue working to make before the end of the legislature the entire coast depure their water, and reported that "shortly a joint committee meeting will be held Mancomunidad-Environment to see how the pending projects on the Coast are going "

The Junta de Andalucía will allocate to this infrastructure, declared of interest to the Autonomous Community, more than 6 million euros, financed through the regional improvement fee. The construction has been awarded to the UTE FCC AQUALIA, S.A. - FCC CONSTRUCCIÓN S.A., which will have 24 months to start up.

The EDAR will be located on land on the right bank of the Rambla de Albuñol, in a total area of ​​more than eleven thousand meters, the expropriation of which has been entrusted to the Commonwealth together with the drafting of the 'basic' project. This infrastructure will benefit almost 15,000 people.

Once the treatment plant is built, the ownership will be from the Albuñolense City Council that will transfer it to the county entity, and this in turn will grant the management to the company Aguas y Servicios.

The planned works consist of the construction of a sewage treatment plant in the municipal area of ​​Albuñol, which will reach by gravity the waters coming from the town center of Albuñol and Los Castilla; a pumping station in El Pozuelo (for the waters from El Pozuelo, Huarea and Los Canalizos) and the corresponding drive pipeline to the intermediate station from which it will be pumped to the future WWTP of Albuñol. It also includes the rehabilitation of the Rábita pumping station for pumping operation to the WWTP and, on occasion, pumping to the outfall.

From the population centers of El Pozuelo and La Rábita, pumping stations (EBAR) will be built up to an intermediate one, from which the raw water will rise to the new WWTP. Reducing with this solution the number of conductions that will arrive at the future Depuradora Station, optimizing the pumping and impulsion installations.

Currently the municipality of Albuñol and several of its surrounding population centers are in a situation such that the wastewater generated by them are discharged without any purification to the sea.