Información del Proyecto


The scope of the service includes the study and selection of alternatives of the grouping of discharges and purification, the drafting of the projects of grouping of discharges and of E.D.A.R. of the selected alternative, and the writing of the necessary documentation for the necessary procedures to achieve the required authorizations.
The E.D.A.R. that is projected must comply with the discharge requirements contained in current regulations, resolving the deficiencies in the area of purification existing in the center of Benamargosa and with a forecast towards the horizon year (15 years in the first time horizon). The necessary purification system will depend on the characteristics of the wastewater that, in this case of a population of 1,568 inhabitants, will be based on the implementation of unconventional treatments, which combine ease and flexibility of exploitation with a low cost, reaching the levels of discharge marked in current regulations.