Información del Proyecto



The area object of this project is located in the municipality of Galaroza, located about 120 km from the city of Huelva in the Northeast direction, is located in the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche Natural Park, near the border with the Autonomous Community from Extremadura In the municipality there are three population centers, the main one that gives its name to the municipality, and the districts of Las Chinas and Navahermosa, both with populations below 50 inhabitants.
The core of Galaroza is located at the junction of two main roads, the N-433 (Seville-Portugal) and the N-435 (Badajoz-Huelva).
In general, the scope of the service includes the study and selection of alternatives for the grouping of discharges and purification, the drafting of projects for the grouping of discharges and E.D.A.R. of the selected alternative, and the writing of the necessary documentation for the necessary procedures to achieve the required authorizations.
The WWTP or WWTPs that are planned must comply with the discharge requirements contained in current regulations, resolving the deficiencies in the area of ​​purification existing in the Arenas nucleus and with a forecast towards the horizon year (15 years in the first time horizon) . The necessary purification system will depend on the characteristics of the wastewater that, for this case of a total population of about 1,300 inhabitants, will be based on the implementation of unconventional treatments, which combine ease and flexibility of exploitation with a low cost, reaching the discharge levels marked in current regulations.