Información del Proyecto



The Campofrío nucleus currently lacks any purification infrastructure, so it discharges its wastewater directly to a tributary of the Arroyo de la Garganta in the west of the nucleus, and to a tributary of the Arroyo de Valdehombre in the northern zone.
The purpose of the work is to define first, and subsequently project, the necessary actions for the construction of a new Wastewater Treatment Plant for the Campofrío nucleus (Huelva), as well as the collectors that have to transport the wastewater from the urban area
Broadly speaking, the activities required to achieve this goal will be:
• Preliminary works:
 Data collection by extracting the various reports and projects.
 Obtaining field data and checking the previous ones.
 Information analysis.
• Study of the different alternatives to consider.
• Development of the solution adopted with its corresponding justification in the drafting of the construction project.